La Saireda Roseg
La Saireda Roseg in classic technique starts the Engadin La Diagonela weekend with an 11.5km mass start competition in classic technique on Thursday, January 16. In 2025, due to the snow conditions, it will be held as a mass start race from Pontresina via Celerina and back to Pontresina (instead of a 7.5km individual start from Pontresina to the Hotel Roseg Gletscher).
Equipped with a headlamp, skiers will start the event at 18:00 CET.
According to the Local Organizing Committee (LOC): “For La Saireda Roseg, the event will have a mass start instead of an individual start. The course will follow Via Celerina and the Traumloipe in Celerina to Pontresina, with an adjusted distance of 11.5km.”
Also Read: Course changes for Engadin La Diagonela 2025
La Saireda Roseg – Ski Classics Challengers Event
- Date: January 16, 2025
- Place: Pontresina
- Country: Switzerland
- Race distance: 11.5km
- Technique: Classic
- Website: La Saireda Roseg
- Facebook: La Saireda Roseg
- Instagram: La Saireda Roseg
- Registration: La Saireda Roseg
More information about the event can be found HERE
Map & Profile

La Sfida
La Sfida, the race in freestyle technique of Engadin La Diagonela, became part of the Ski Classics Challengers circuit during Season XV. With an attractive 28-kilometer (24km for the 2025 edition) course from Zuoz to Silvaplana (Pontresina for the 2025 edition), Switzerland.
La Sfida was a new long-distance skiing event of Engadin La Diagonela in Switzerland in 2024 and joined the Ski Classics Challengers circuit. The next edition will be on Sunday, January 19, 2025.
According to the LOC: “For La Sfida, the finish line is now in Pontresina instead of Silvaplana. The route follows Zuoz, La Punt, Samedan Golf Course, Celerina, Traumloipe, railway underpass, and finishes in Pontresina. The LOC managed to add a few kilometers along the way, minimizing the distance lost. The total distance is now 24km.”
La Sfida – Ski Classics Challengers Event
- Date: January 19, 2025
- Place: Zuoz-Pontresina
- Country: Switzerland
- Race distance: 24km
- Technique: Classic
- Website: La Sfida
- Facebook: La Sfida
- Instagram: La Sfida
- Registration: La Sfida
More information about the event can be found HERE
Map & Profile

As La Saireda Roseg and La Sfida are Ski Classics Challengers events, Pro Team registered athletes can collect points for the Ski Classics Champion and Youth competitions in their respective genders.
A list of Ski Classics Challengers events with confirmed dates for season 2024/2025 can be found at Ski Classics. The list is updated continuously with new events.
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