The veteran bib is worn by the male or female athlete with most SC Ranking points of age 44 or above. The athlete's age is determined by the year when the Ski Classics final of the season takes place.
Some registered Pro Team athletes have reached this age barrier. Still, two are in a league of their own: Anders Aukland, Team Ragde Charge, and Stanislav Řezáč, Slavia Pojišťovna Sport Team Z.S. There is a third name in the Veteran category that should be mentioned. Florian Göbel, Ski-Willy Marathon Team Austria, from Germany.
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Veteran Bib Favorites – Ski Classics Season XIV

- Nationality: Norway
- Date of Birth: 12.09.1972
- Pro Team: Team Ragde Charge
- Likelihood to win: 5 out of 5

- Nationality: Czech Republic
- Date of Birth: 29.04.1973
- Pro Team: Slavia Pojišťovna Sport Team Z.S.
- Likelihood to win: 3 out of 5

- Nationality: Germany
- Date of Birth: 05.04.1972
- Pro Team: Ski-Willy Marathon Team Austria
- Likelihood to win: 1 out of 5
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