Two Ski Classics Pro Teams got together for a training day. Team Ragde Charge and Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino spent a day sharing knowledge, which is especially important for the smaller teams. ProXCskiing learned how the day was spent.
Last Sunday, Team Ragde Charge and Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino spent a day together in Val di Fiemme, Italy, during their training camps. The idea came by the hand of Stefano Vuerich and Magnar Dalen, who have been friends for a long time. This type of initiative is suitable for both sides, but especially for the smaller teams that can learn from the best ones.
Sadurni Betriu Boix, the Spanish long-distance skier who races for Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino, feels happy about this day.
“They had a training camp near us, so we decided to have a ‘get together’ training session. It was excellent for us to train with the world’s best long-distance skiers. Learning with a team that is so strong is very motivating for us. We trained on the Marcialonga course and especially heard insights from Nygaard, Kardin, and the legendary Anders Aukland.”
The training session was a long and easy rollerski session on the Marcialonga course, where the Norwegian Pro Team shared tactics and nutrition tips with the Italian skiers and tried to correct some skiing technique issues.
Listening to advice from Magnar Dalen was also an extraordinary moment due to his experience with the sport.
“We were delighted and motivated about this day, and we hope to have another opportunity like this in the future,” says Sadurni.
From the opposite side, the Italian squad invited the Norwegian team for lunch at their place, tasting authentic Italian and Trentino food.
Anders Aukland inspires the older athletes of the circuit
Sadurni Betriu Boix is now 40 years old, so spending time with Anders Aukland was special. Now that the legendary Norwegian skier is 50, he is training as much as before.
“Anders is 50 years old, and he continues to be so strong, both physically and mentally, and seeing him gives me the motivation to keep looking for my best shape. To keep enjoying the world of Ski Classics, that has given me so much.”
A successful end for a training camp in Val di Fiemme
The “get together” with Team Ragde Charge happened on the last day of the training camp that Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino was having in Val di Fiemme. Besides having a significant training volume, one goal was to strengthen the team spirit.
“This training camp has been great for us. We trained for many hours on rollerskis, running with poles and strength training.”
At the end of the camp, both teams raced at La Venosta Skiroll, a Ski Classics Challengers event.
“It was a beautiful race and a beautiful moment of training. We are proud of Malin’s 3rd place, and 5th and 8th classification of Lorenzo Busin and Mauro Brigadoi.”
Sadurni believes that this rollerski race shows that the Pro Team is on the right track for the start of the season.
“We will give our maximum at the Ski Classics next season. We want to be in every race, we want to enjoy every event, and most of all, we want to allow every skier to give their best,” says Sadurni, while also sharing that some of the Italian team’s skiers are also going to compete at other long-distance skiing events.