MyPages and SC ranking is Visma Ski Classics way to connect all long distance skiers around the world. In MyPages skiers on all levels can find their results and compare with competitors and friends. The SC ranking is unique, combining women and men, pro- and recreational skiers in one single list.
Everyone participating in Visma Ski Classics, Pro Tour or Challengers events, recreational and professional skiers, can connect their profile to Visma Ski Classics’ results database, called MyPages.
MyPages is an online community. It is free to create an account and in the profile, you can view your Visma Ski Classics event results, collect pins, print diplomas, analyze your results with friends in the SC ranking system and collect bonus rewards to use in Visma Ski Classics shop. You can mark your friends and rivals as favourites in MyPages and start challenge them. In your profile, you collect points according to your performances and are rewarded with pins and diplomas.
One of the central features in MyPages is that you get your global SC ranking.
The SC ranking is a live updated international ranking, unique in combining women and men, pro- and recreational skiers in one single list!
The universal SC Ranking is based on the individual’s time in relation to the winner of their gender. This makes it possible to create one single ranking for both women and men, pro- and recreational skiers. Each skier can include the results from his or her best 15 races within 24 months.
As a registered user, you can filter places based on nationality, age group and gender by using the filter tab on the view set on your page.
Register for MyPages here.
You find the SC ranking here.