By Johan Trygg
Lina Korsgren, Team Ramudden, has started season XI with a second place and a victory. On Sunday, she is on the Marcialonga starting line with the yellow Champion bib.
Korsgren is a little bit extra nervous before the race on Sunday.
“I’m not nervous because I have the yellow bib but because Marcialonga is a big goal for me this season,” says Korsgren.
We talked with Lina Korsgren now in the middle of the week between her solo victory at Toblach-Cortina and the next race, Marcialonga, on Sunday.
How have the days after the victory on Sunday been?
“You are always tired the days after a race, but it has felt good. We had two great days in Toblach before we went towards Trentino,” says Korsgren.
How are your thoughts ahead of Marcialonga, starting in the yellow bib?
“It feels a little more nervous than usual. Not so much for the yellow bib, but because Marcialonga is a big goal for me during Season XI. I really want a victory there.”
In the last three seasons, Lina has been third, second, and third at Marcialonga. Last year, Kari Vikhagen Gjeitnes, Team Koteng, won, and the two years before, Britta Johansson Norgren took the victory. Neither Kari nor Britta are on the starting line on Sunday.
“There are lots of other strong skiers to beat. To win or get on the podium, you really have to have the day. If I don’t manage to win, I hope for one of my teammates,” says Korsgren.
Team Ramudden has got off to a flying start in season XI. Jenny Larsson won Engadin La Diagonela when Lina was second and when Lina won on Sunday, Ida Dahl followed her in second place.
In the Champion competition, Lina leads with 370 points, Ida Dahl shares second place with Team Koteng’s Emilie Fleten with 300 points and Jenny Larsson is fourth with 280 points.
Even if a race takes a lot of energy, Team Ramudden athletes spend lots of hours on skis between the events.
What does a week look like in terms of training after a race?
“It’s essential to keep the body going; there should not be too much rest. We usually do a lot of easy long distance skiing sessions. Yesterday we were out for four hours. Today is a rest and travel day. Before Sunday, there will also be a tough session with intervals, and then it’s about race preparations.”
Marcialonga is the first race in the new Grand Classics. If an athlete succeeds in winning the four races included; Marcialonga, Jizerska 50, Vasaloppet, and Birkebeinerrennet, the athlete takes a Grand Slam.
How are your thoughts on Grand Classics and Grand Slam?
“Of course, I have Grand Classics in the back of my mind, but that’s not what I have in focus, it’s the race on Sunday, but if you win, you have given yourself the opportunity,” says Korsgren.
What do you think of the Grand Classics concept?
“I think it’s great fun! It increases the interest both for us athletes and those who watch the races. It gives an increased excitement if there are athletes with the possibility for a Grand Slam.”
Top picture: Photo: Björn Reichert/Nordic Focus.